ScheduleEase Your Energy was created as a non-profit so that we could share our workshops widely regardless of participants current level of financial abundance. To help fund our ability to keep doing these workshops, your donations will go towards room rental, equipment rental, business expenses, and travel expenses so that we can keep doing workshops and spreading coherence and calm.
So please Pay-It-Forward with your donation.
Donations can be accepted via Venmo, Zelle or Paypal (next section down) as well as via our website (bottom of page). We will generate tax documentation so that you can take your donation as part of your yearly tax documentation as we are a 5013C.
... And if you know of an audience or group that can benefit from this work, click here and contact us so we can have a discussion on how to make that happen. If you want to learn more, check out our Workshops Page.
So please Pay-It-Forward with your donation.
Donations can be accepted via Venmo, Zelle or Paypal (next section down) as well as via our website (bottom of page). We will generate tax documentation so that you can take your donation as part of your yearly tax documentation as we are a 5013C.
... And if you know of an audience or group that can benefit from this work, click here and contact us so we can have a discussion on how to make that happen. If you want to learn more, check out our Workshops Page.
Zelle can be activated by using my cell phone number * 704-661-6316